Wednesday, March 12, 2014


Two years ago, I dreamed of writing a book - and this dream remained a dream until about a month ago. It took inspiration, perfect timing, and a lot of determination. This time, I'm determined to make it happen!

I dare to write a book, and I dare to dream big. I dream of writing a book that will inform, inspire, teach, and simply tell a story of one life that was influenced by a long tradition, and share stories of many more lives who chose to follow this same tradition. 

I am writing a book.

The other night I cried about not being able to add anything else on the 45-page manuscript I've written the past three weeks. I cried and cried because there were many thoughts, many ideas playing in my mind, teasing my brain to add more to the story I am writing, yet these ideas I cannot capture and put into writing, and came out only through tears.

Writing is a mystery.

Writing is a search to the inner core of your being, a journey to one's self to defining the source of your strength, the reservoir of ideas, the fountain of creativity.

I am on that journey.

I am on a journey to writing a book about my journey and the journey of many others.

In trying to write about my journey, I find myself journeying into a different realm - into the realm of writing. The mysterious, magical, and surprising journey of writing.

I do not know what lies ahead, but I know that in this writing journey, I am learning and I am enjoying.

For the love of writing, I will continue this journey.

Because of love, I will be able to continue.